Monday, May 17, 2010

Holy crap

I got an interview.

I am pleased I got one and would have been mightily offended if I hadn't. But now I'm scared out of my mind. In the last 14 years I've only had 2 interviews. I usually just fall into most things. Any advice is most welcome!


  1. Oh YAY!! I've been looking for this post, hoping you'd get an interview. You can 'just fall into' this too you know. You know you do the job well. You want the challenge. You love the kids (cos you're sad to ditch the current ones!)
    Smile. Be the genuinely nice person that they want to work with. Be knowledgeable. Go get it!! (and if all else fails, when you get nervous in the interview, try to imagine the panel of people naked...)

  2. Congrats on the interview! I haven't had an interview in about 10 years and would be scared to have another! Been an interviewer though...and scared my victims! LOL

    1. Breathe...
    2. Use your 10 minutes prior to go over the criteria and get yourself sorted.
    3. The criteria should be very similar to the written work on better examples or expand on the ones in the written criteria.
    4. NO JEANS! I am sure you know that..but I interviewed 2 people who wore jeans. Neither got the position!
    5. at the end of the day, they want PASSION. Show your passion!
    Good luck!

  3. Great news Belinda! I've interviewed hindreds of people and the big thing is honesty and willingness. I don't trust anyone whose body language doesn't match up to what they are saying. the best thing is you're not applying because you're desperate, you applied because you are genuine and that's what every boss wants!

    So when is the big day?

  4. That's fantastic - you go in there and be confident! You are qualified, you know you can do this job and you have the passion to do it. Just be your friendly self and believe in yourself!!!
    Good Luck!

