Work has been so busy and I have been so tired. I lost the plot last week and barely exercised and ate too many bad things. I wasn't tracking or drinking my water and I had 3 meals out. Somehow, I managed to avoid a gain and stayed the same weight this week. I did acknowledge what I had done and held myself accountable. I got up yesterday and weighed in as normal, went for a massive walk and tracked. I am back on the wagon. I don't want to stop losing weight as I am feeling so good about myself. I get compliments nearly everyday and am fitting into some of my old clothes and looking good.
I was anxious last week waiting for news of the relieving HT English position I applied for. I still haven't heard anything but apparently the principal of the school is still trying to convene a panel. She should have done that before she wrote the ad, so it is all a bit disorganised. I'm hoping I hear sometime soon. In the meantime I continue as normal and it is a very busy time with marking and reports. My year 7 reports are due tomorrow and I haven't even started them yet so guess what I will be doing today...
Mother's Day last week was lovely and the girls and I went on another bushwalk. This one was ridiculously easy, basically a road through the bush, but we had a lovely time. Yesterday I did a big walk out on the streets and through the bush near home, it was glorious. I haven't done much walking outside since I fell and sprained my ankle a few years ago as I lost confidence and was scared. Being outside at this time of year is just wonderful and I couldn't resist yesterday. There is something about walking outside that clears the mind so much better than walking on the treadmill. The sun is coming up and I'm going to get dressed and head out again soon. Tomorrow I will get back into my running program, but I will have to do that on the treadmill.
The girls are off to the Writer's Festival today, well Ella is. I'm not sure what Mark and Emma are doing with Alex. I was missing them so they came around for a few hours yesterday afternoon. I had wanted to go out but Alex was very reluctant, I guess she was tired from swimming and piano lessons. She talked me into baking and having a tea party out the back. I'm so glad she did. The afternoon sunlight shining on the back yard was glorious. We set the table down in the yard, made vanilla cupcakes with lemon icing, hot milky tea and it was great. I sat out there for a long time, watching the girls play and drinking up the sunshine. I'd done all the sweeping and tidying up earlier in the day so was very relaxed and enjoyed a blissful afternoon with my daughters.
Sounds perfect and you sound so together!