Monday, May 24, 2010


I have been completely overwhelmed by the out pouring of emotion and good wishes from the news of my being successful in getting the Head Teacher, English job. I am also completely overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do in wrapping up at one school and starting at another. The fact that it is also exam and report time does not help!

On Thursday I had to break the news to my classes and my year group that I would be leaving. Although they could all see that this was the best thing for me, many of them were devastated. I wasn't prepared for this -  not at all. I thought some of them might be disappointed, but I didn't know I would have so many in tears. Friday was my last lesson with my extension year 10 group as they are on work experience this week. They through me a party and all brought in food. there were three cakes - one even in the shape of a book! I had to have a piece of each, how could I not? They had gone to so much trouble. I have had a stool in my classroom for years, that I sit on when we have discussions and when I'm reading to them etc.I always make a big thing of it, making sure they all knbow it is my stool and it is where I hold my one woman shows and so on. The year 10s stole the stool, painted it and then they all signed it. One of the boys, Jackson, was to present the stool and the poster they made to me, but he completely broke down and started sobbing. And I mean sobbing! It was both the saddest and most touching experience of my career. I've taught most of the kids in that class since they began high school and we've developed quite a connection, but I still didn't realise how much I meant to them. Thursday night had been music night and the year 10s dedicated a song to me' "This one goes out to Miss Bower." The audience clapped and cheered and they performed so well. I cried through the whole song!

I've had another  few students in year 11, who I've only taught for a term and a half, also in tears. One wrote me the most beautiful email and then her mum talked to me at music night. It was incredible. Tomorrow will be the last time I see my year 12s, so that will also be sad. I finish at Blaxland on Friday, and begin in my new role on Monday.

I went to the new school this morning to meet my new faculty and gather programs etc. They were all very nice but it is going to take me a little while to find my way around and work out how they operate. I'm terribly excited, but also terrified. I am full of doubts as usual, but will most likely rise to the occassion. That's what usually happens in life when we take on new challenges, isn't it?

Thanks to all those who posted and congratulated me. You words also mean a lot.

As for tracking etc - I've been doing it loosely. This week will be tough, I know every class is throwing me a party and there will be drinks with colleagues on Friday afternoon. I'll have to controlo what i can and try to find time to squeeze in as much exercise as I can. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon!


  1. Wow belinda, you are obviously one special aldy and very much loved by your students! I am really blown away by the outpouring of emotion you have obviously touvhed them! I hope that my (future) kids have at least one teacher like you!

    Love Andrea

    PS - I had goosebumps reading your post!

  2. Oh Belinda I am so proud of what you have achieved and there is no need to have doubts you will do so well. Look at the wonderful changes that are happening in your life and it is all your hard work and dedication that is making them happen. All the best for Monday, please post and tell us how you went - oh and where is your new school?

  3. Hi Belinda!
    I keep wondering how you are going with new job, young kids etc. I bet you're crazy busy.
    Hope things are going well for you.

  4. Hey Belinda! I've been missing you! How's the new job working out? Been for any more of your lovely hikes with your daughters? Come back to us!!

