Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here i am...

Hi -  especially to Deb!
Thanks for asking after me, I've been incredibly slack with this blog for the past couple of months. so much has happened. I started at my new school in my new position and not long after that I also entered in to a new relationship with a wonderful, wonderful man. I am blissfully happy.

I'm not going to say much about my gorgeous boy, except to say that orginally I met him online through RSVP. So to the single girls out there, that site does work. We had been chatting for about six months, and through circumstance, kind of met up and things have just taken off.

Becoming Head Teacher at a much more difficult school really challenged me in terms of my exercise routines and WW journey. I'm afraid the extra travel and responsibility, coupled with a new relationship has meant I have fallen off the wagon and I am currently struggling to climb back on. I've vowed that with the new term I will find my new routine. I also quite sick toward the end of last term and this niggling cough is still hanging around complicating things.

I'm enjoying being HT, although am still very much trying to find my feet and establish myself in a new school. I'm getting a lot of support from other staff and some of the executive and it is great to be in such a collegial place. That is all I'm going to write tonight as I have a bucket load of work to do and also have a massive headache. I really just wanted to post an update in response to you, Deb. Thanks for asking after me.



  1. Hi Belinda - congratulations on ALL the exciting things in your life - it sounds great! I hope you are feeling better soon! PS - online dating worked for me too xx

  2. Yay!! It's SO good to hear from you. What a lot of excitement and changes you've had! Having a lovely man in your life is exactly what you deserve. Without him, all these changes and the illness might have felt like too much stress, but there's nothing like a lovely, kind man to make it all feel better.
    Hope the job continues to excite you. Thanks for replying!

  3. Hi Belinda - I am glad to hear that things are going so well and a new romance nice! Can't wait for soccer to be finished this means I have free weekends, so soon if you want to catch up for that coffee or a walk let me know.

